Suhaimi Zainal Shah has 5 years of experience in the education sector. Since graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Economics (Distinction/2:1) and a postgraduate diploma in Education, he taught Mathematics and the English Language at a secondary school before going for a stint at the Ministry of Education Headquarters. His interests lie in interdisciplinary learning and one of his focus has been where education intersects with technology. He blogs about his EdTech explorations at the Sg Edtech Blog and his innovations have gotten him a Google for Education Innovator accreditation too. Beyond work, Suhaimi supports Project Refresh as a volunteer leader through Young National Trade Union Congress (YNTUC) and he also plans programmes for minority youth via MENDAKI Club. He has more than five years of experience as a community leader and his newer projects are to develop future leaders with succession planning in mind. Suhaimi is also interested in futures thinking and he believes that as youth leaders, one would need to be able to apply foresight and look out for signals to prepare themselves for the future world. He hopes to be able to contribute meaningfully as a global citizen by thinking global but first start acting locally.