Lilian Nyalusi is a human rights lawyer who specializes in International Human Rights Law, with emphasis on refugee law and guiding principles on internal displacement. She has proven experience and knowledge on gender-based violence (GBV) and women’s rights. With over eight years of experience, she has been working with the Women’s Legal Aid Centre and the Norwegian Refugee Council in Tanzania. Through her advocacy efforts she supported access to legal identity and documentation in Tanzania and women’s rights and GBV. She has engaged in various crossborder programs between Tanzania and Burundi in establishing effective partnerships with local organizations and other INGOs. She has also supported women’s housing, land, and property rights in Tanzania through provision of legal counseling and drafting. She provided capacity building trainings on Security of Tenure to the members of the Land Tribunals and relevant stakeholders, improved access to justice through a combination of support to traditional and formal develop programs that increase access to legal assistance and promote efficient use of alternative dispute resolution methods, especially related to land disputes, developed systems that link the informal and traditional systems to the formal legal system in the camps.