How not to give up when your dream job is taken by someone — but not by you 

Application, CV, assessment, interview… You are finally shortlisted to get the job you were dreaming about, but the hiring manager selected another candidate. Sadness, disappointment, and low self-esteem might become your best friends — but only if you are not a social change leader. Being a failure is not an option for us. 

Nearing the end of my fellowship, I have started the notorious job hunt. For the past three months, I have spent more than 100 dollars on coffee with people from my LinkedIn network, send out my CV about 80 times, have applied for over 50 positions, and have heard back from just from 15 places. And still…I eagerly looking forward to meeting you, my dear, dream job. 

When I was a teenager, I read an article called “what to do if he doesn’t call you.” Now it`s time to write my personal guide: what can we learn when we are rejected… again?

  1. Sounds trite but it’s always true – this is not our place. It’s nothing personal, and we are not less talented. It`s hard to believe, but in this world, there is a perfect job for me. I will be better, I will put in more effort and face it eventually. I have to keep my patience and move further.
  2. Every personal statement you wrote, every interview you had one more little step to finding IT! If you were rejected again, try to reach out to the hiring manager and ask about feedback. Remember the questions and next time think in advance on your response. 
  3. Don`t hesitate to ask about connections and support. Your former supervisor is a Facebook friend with your potential one? Ask them to introduce you! 
  4. Think about a hard skill you have and bet on it. There are thousands of great project managers in this world, but each of them is unique. What are you brilliant in? Share that.
  5. There is nothing more inspirational than motivation. Think twice about why you want to get this job and go ahead. You can learn how to use SPSS, but passion and light in your eyes are the same precious. Sometimes, thinking twice helps you to conclude that you don’t want this job at all.
  6. Yes, money is an issue. But don’t drive yourself crazy — even you are temporarily unemployed. There so many things you can do for free – reading books, meeting friends, lighting candles. Be ready to meet your dream job every day, and don’t forget that psychological health is your great partner in crime when it comes to making this world a better place.