Daniel Pink, the bestselling author of and Drive, comes up once again with groundbreaking insights on a prism that still have little lights on in the performance studies, which is timing. All packed into a captivating narrative that delivers compelling performance-enhancing tactics.

Daniel answers -unsuspected- timing questions with his usual charming and persuasive approach based on recent evidence from psychology, biology and economics.

The book uncovers scientific truths of daily patterns such as circadian rhythms that shows consistently two typical mood peaks: Better chances for quality analytical thinking are in the morning for morning people, or what Pink calls Larks, and vice versa whereas creative thinking happens during daily moments of despair.

If timing is real and everything, the book also emphases according to research studies, how we can make the best out of it. That would not only mean calibrating accordingly our schedules and decision making but would imply taking powerful breaks such as nappuccinos, that Pink came up with, as a tactic to blending in caffeine with short napping that’s done right; or workplace-detached and social recess.

Also fascinating, pink’s take on beginnings, middles and endings. For example, we should take advantage of the romance of new beginnings that tends to hatch more fresh-start type of behaviors such as commitment to healthier lifestyles. And if midpoints are rarely associated with excitement, humans seem to like endings as well. Pink demonstrates that endings don’t just feel good, they serve good purposes such as helping us even rewrite our memories opinions and appraise them.

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