Godfrey Massay is a land rights lawyer and currently works as a land tenure specialist for Tanzania with Landesa, a global nonprofit organization that partners with governments and local organizations to secure legal land rights for the world’s poorest families. The scope of his work is diverse which includes identifying, supporting, and collaborating with a multi-sectoral group of key stakeholders at the local, sub-national and national level on: (a) the importance of women’s and men’s land rights in Tanzania, (b) the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, and (c) the need to rigorously monitor progress towards the achievement of women’s and men’s land rights. He previously worked with Tanzania Natural Resource Forum and Hakiardhi, premier natural resource and land rights organizations based in Tanzania. He has written and published numerous journal articles and book chapters in both local and international journals. Most of his works have looked at the theoretical legal frameworks and the practice on the ground in different themes of land tenure as well as the social movements underpinning the agrarian change in Tanzania. His research interests are land tenure reforms, land-based investments, agrarian issues, and gender. Mr. Massay holds a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Hons) from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and is based in Arusha.