Tackling the issues on Global Education

Over the last decades, there has been a large global investment in improving children’s access to education, which is focused on education infrastructure, in vulnerable countries.  However, according to UNESCO GEM Report 2014, 250 million children are not learning basic literacy and numeracy skills even though half have attended school for at least four years. This data tells that a large number of school can not always assure that students are learning well.

In 2015, United Nation adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development and its 17 Goals. One of the goals is addressing the importance of quality education.

Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


Education Programme focused on Learning Outcome

My host organization ‘World Vision’ has been also building numerous schools in vulnerable countries, which is still essential for those countries where they struggle with accessing to schools due to wars, natural disasters, etc. However, in response to the analysis, World Vision began implementing basic education programming in 2012 in order to improve learning outcomes, with a goal of increasing the number of children gaining literacy and numeracy skills. In a partnership with Save the Children, World Vision launched Literacy Boost programme in 25 countries.

There are 4 steps in the Literacy Boost programme: Reading Assessments, Teacher Training, Community Action, Teaching and Learning Materials. This programme helps not only children’s learning but also community unity by leading communities and parents to unite to help children. It has shown a significantly greater increase in student readers in Schools. 1.7 million children have been benefited, 18,000 volunteers are trained, 101,000 parents are engaged to children’s learning, 6,000 reading camps are established, 83,000 teachers are trained, 4.4 million books are produced.

Literacy is the cornerstone of development

Learning to read in the first years of primary school is critical for retention and success in future grades. Literacy is the cornerstone of development. It leads to better health, better employment opportunities, safer and more stable societies.

2 thoughts on “Importance of literacy in education”

  1. Fizza Anwar says:

    This article is very well written. I am researcher and my area of interest is literacy skills. Can i know more about “Literacy Boost Programme”. What this program is all about and how you implement it.

  2. Gladys Patrick says:

    I am not in the best position to reply to your request. Someone who has been involved (from the World Vision or Save the Children) would do this better but to get the first glimpse into this, I would search the internet by doing a few things.
    1. Type “Literacy Boost Programme” and click search.
    3. You’ll be surprise at what the internet will share with you and may even answer your queries. Thank and acknowledge those who contributed to make all the information accessible.

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