Wafaa has five years of experience in Media, and earned a Bachelor’s of Mass Media and Communication in Journalism from the University of Cairo in Egypt. During the first year of the uprising of 25 of January, Wafaa found herself diligently engaging wholeheartedly in student activism, in specific campaigns, which lead to the amendment of the 2011-2012 Electoral and Constituency laws. While working as a freelance editor with Correspondents an online platform to support journalism development as a key factor in conflict transition, across three post-revolution nations, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. Wafaa has also worked for Welad El Balad where she successfully help shed a spotlight on hyper-local journalism, helping to magnify the voices of marginalized communities in a highly centralized socio-political environment. Through these experiences, she developed strong project coordination and implementation skills. Wafaa enjoys focusing on the topics of culture, human rights and education, and has a strong passion for women empowerment.

Host Organization: Meedan Labs

Role at Host Organization:  Wafaa will work with the Business Development and Product teams to refine and implement a communications and launch strategy for Check, Meedan’s award-winning verification toolkit. In addition to working on public, lead-generating communications (through blogging, media outreach and social media) she will also support the Check Product team in customer and partner-facing communications related to product updates and support.