Mialy Rasoanarivony is currently a business analyst at BNI Madagascar. The position allows her a deeper understanding of the economic realities of her country over the past 4 years by assessing the scope of several activities. Surrounding herself with financial decision-makers and leaders has greatly enhanced her risk management, analytic skills, and financial decision making towards large to middle activities. BNI is the first banking Industry implementing the environmental and social management system toward the private sector businesses they accompany. She has a great interest for Development and Environment as SDGs goal to achieve. Madagascar has great environmental potential, as the country deserves to become a developed one regarding all of their resources. Her versatile background in environmental and financial fields up to Master Degrees will help her achieve the perfect intersection of business and environment. She also has focused her environmental studies on waste water optimization for textile companies, hydrological studies, assisting a borehole implementation to meet a company’s water needs with all technical studies, and the bioremediation techniques for soil polluted by hydrocarbons. Those have been done with strong collaboration with the Nationals Environmental and Industrial Centers. In addition to circular economy experiences toward some private sectors. She strongly believes that the sustainable financing accompanied with adapted environmental policies and strategies should be an impactful component for private sectors sustainable development achievements.

Host Organization: Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship

Role at Host Organization: At the Miller Center, Mialy will serve as the Impact Measurement and Management Fellow: Supporting the onboarding of social entrepreneurs onto an impact measurement platform and conducting independent research with SCU faculty.