Margaret is a 33 years old Zambian female citizen born in Kitwe, Zambia. She has 11 years of experience in the nonprofit sector. 3 years of volunteerism and 8 years different positions of full time contracts. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Development Studies from Zambian Open University, Post-graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation from Cavendish University-Zambia and Diploma in Social Work both from University of Zambia. Margaret works as a Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning officer for the USAID funded Zambia Community HIV Prevention Project (Z-CHPP)/DREAMS Initiative based in Choma, Southern Province of Zambia. She supports the organization in ensuring a functional monitoring and evaluation systems. Her main responsibilities are; to ensure data is collected from service delivery points, analyzed and reported according to organizational and donor requirements, data quality audits, identifying success stories for organizational learning. From August 2014 to November 2016 she worked for Women and Law in Southern Africa – Zambia as Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in Lusaka province. She contributed to Women and Law in Southern Zambia’s mission to contribute to socio-economic, political and legal advancement for women. Achieved through a collaborative, strategic action oriented research in the social and legal field; lobbying for legal reform and policy, changes on laws and practices which discriminate and disadvantage women and children. Her responsibilities were to assist programs with planning, manage programs information systems, conduct reviews of performance against targets, identifying and addressing implementation challenges, documenting lessons learned and most-significant success stories lastly oversee the entire organisational Monitoring and Evaluation system and participate in baseline studies. Margaret has acquired skills in activity scheduling and tracking, design and implementation of project monitoring and evaluation plans and Reproductive and Sexual health. Margaret is passionate about women and children’s rights, Gender, HIV/AIDS and Disability issues.

Host Organization: RestoreNYC

Role at Host Organization: Working as an Impact Manager, Margaret will lead Restore’s team in its outcomes model and tracking across client services, housing, and economic empowerment programs. She will refine Restore’s impact infrastructure including manuals and processes, ensure effective implementation of impact activities, and analyze data and communicate results of findings to diverse stakeholders.